Tusk The Fleetwood Mac Tribute Show - The Dance
Tusk The Fleetwood Mac Tribute Show - The Dance
Code One presents

Tusk The Fleetwood Mac Tribute Show - The Dance

The Gov - The Venue (Hindmarsh, SA)
Saturday, 24 May 2025 7:30 pm
53 days away
18+ (unless accompanied by Guardian)

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Step into the enchanting world of Tusk – The Fleetwood Mac Tribute Show, where the captivating story of this iconic band unfolds, from their emotionally charged beginnings to Stevie Nicks' solo journey. This extraordinary musical experience brings to life the essence of Fleetwood Mac, showcasing why they remain one of the greatest bands of all time.  

Penni Jones embodies the spirit of Stevie Nicks with haunting authenticity, not only in her vocal prowess but also in capturing the intricate duality of our leading lady – a blend of intense passion and unspoiled innocence, reminiscent of the band's early days. Her portrayal illuminates the essence that was once only glimpsed in the band's early footage. 

In this milestone year, Tusk celebrates five decades of hits from Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks GREATEST HITS, delivering the grand concert experience in a single unforgettable night. With an all-star lineup and a touring history spanning over 10 years, Tusk proudly stands as Australia’s premier Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks tribute.  

Immerse yourself in the unforgettable melodies of "Dreams," "Go Your Own Way," "Little Lies," "Gypsy," "Landslide," "Rhiannon," "Edge Of Seventeen," "Don’t Stop," and a plethora of other chart-topping songs that have left an indelible mark on music history.  Experience the magic of Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks like never before, as Tusk reimagines their journey through a night of spellbinding music and artistry.